
FSI D-9000-MIL-1 Combination Blind Rivet, Blind Bolt & Blind Nut Tool Kit



FSI D-9000-MIL-1 Overview

FSI D-9000-MIL-1 is ideal for Air Mobility and ABDR Support Applications. It provides hand hydraulic, air hydraulic and also cordless blind riveters with all in one convenient carrying case.  Weighing less than 29 lbs. The D-9000-MIL-1 kit comes with the D-700 Hand Hydraulic Riveter with the Vari-Max feature added, the PT-100M Air Hydraulic Riveter and also the PT-4000 Cordless Riveter.

The D-9000 Kits offer a wide selection of rivet nosepieces. They permit installation of virtually all-single action blind rivet thru 3/16″ diameter currently in the DOD inventory.  Although most often used to install CherryMax® (M7885/NAS9300), Huck-Clinch®, CherryLock® “A”/Olympic-Lok (NAS1400A) and Huck or Cherry Blind Bolts (MS90353/54 S or U) it is also capable of installing Huck SMLS (NAS1900S), Nutplate rivets (MIL-N-25027), Self-Plugging rivets (MS20600), POP® rivets (MIL-R-24243), Huck Magnlok (M7885/10) and Cherry Interlock wire draw rivets in 3/16″ amd 1/4” diameters commonly used on military and commercial vehicles; including the HMMWV, trucks, trailers, shelters, cargo containers, radar domes and ground support equipment.

All the tools in the D-9000-MIL-1 use the same jaw system for all applications with the exception of the Blind Bolts, which requires a different jaw system.